I connected the tablet to my business Wi-fi and it doesn’t work with my system. What do I do?

The LinkWear Core system is its own little wireless network. It does not need to be connected to the internet. The tablet needs to be connected to the Hub. The Hub generates its own SSID (LinkWearxxxxx) that the tablet needs to connect to.

To check the network connection on the tablet.

Swipe down from the top of the screen and Select the Gear Icon > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. See what network you are connected to. If it is not the LinkWearxxxxx network, you will need to change it. To change it you first need to disconnect from the current network AND FORGET THE NETWORK. If you don’t forget the network your tablet will always try to reconnect to that network because it goes to the internet and that’s what tablets generally want to do!

To forget the network, Select the network > Press the Forget (Trash Can Icon) and it will remove that connection. You now need to connect to the LinkWearxxxxx network.  

To connect to the LinkWear Hub: Swipe down from the top of the screen and Select the Gear Icon > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. Choose the LinkWearxxxxx SSID. The system will ask for the Password. Enter the password and connect.