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Employers Prioritize Diversity & Use Pagers To Improve Communication

Hearing Impaired Employee Communication Solutions

2021 has been the year of recovery and growth for many companies.  But this has come with many challenges including labor shortages and employee turnover.  However, companies that prioritize the inclusion of individuals with disabilities are four times more likely to outperform their competitors, according to a report published by Accenture, Forbes Dec 2020.

  1. Diversity leads to financial gains by attracting and serving a more diverse customer base.
  2. The disabled community is an untapped workforce and a valuable resource
  3. Individuals with disabilities are loyal workers

Many of these savvy employers who are embracing diversity are turning to pagers to accommodate their hearing and vision disabled employees. 

Pagers??  I know, I know....w
hen you think of pagers you think of restaurants using them to alert waiting guests when their table is ready...but, pagers also serve a much higher purpose. 

With pagers, employers expand their one-to-one and group communication to include vibration, flashing lights and alpha-numeric messages to ensure the safety of their disabled employees.  But it's not just about employee safety, pagers also help improve communication for an inclusive culture, according to JAN (Job Accommodation Network) and the ADA.  

Around 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability.

With pagers, employers can send custom messages to specific employees or broadcast a message to multiple employees.  Employers are also able to select the type of message and alert that works best for each employee's needs.  These alerts can be any combination of vibration, flashing lights, alpha-numeric and coded messages.

With pagers, employers can customize messages and select the type of alert
that works best for each hearing impaired employee. 

Disability - Listening Assitive Systems

There are many types of paging systems to accommodate all budgets. There are basic transmitters that send coded (numerical) messages, feature-rich transmitters that send custom and pre-programmed alpha-numeric messages and push buttons for quick repeat messaging.

Once you decide on the transmitter you can add up 1- 999 pagers for a system that easily scales with your needs.


Coded Messages
Alpha-numeric Messages 
NEO Transmitter IQ Base Transmitter IStation Transmitter Push Button
Numeric Pager ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
StaffCall IQ Pager     ✔️ ✔️
SmartCall Coaster Pager     ✔️ ✔️
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There are many solutions to support your employees' needs and a diverse workplace.
If you are looking for assistive listening devices to support your hearing and vision impaired employees contact one of our experts. 

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